Exam Preparation Course German Online

If you have a German language exam coming up soon, but don’t feel prepared properly yet, you shouldn’t miss out on the chance to the exam preparation course online from DIE NEUE SCHULE! With this course format, our experienced native teachers will get you ready for any exam in just three weeks’ time!

This is what you can expect in the exam preparation course:

  • entire course in online format
  • course duration of 3 weeks
  • Levels B1, B2 & C1/C1-Hochschule
  • every Monday and Wednesday
  • Lessons from 6:00PM - 7:30PM


The DIE NEUE SCHULE German Online Exam Preparation Course

The decision to take a telc exam can have many reasons. No matter if you want to work in Germany, start a university study in Germany or just want to assess your language skills out of curiosity – the exam preparation course will prepare you perfectly for your exam.

In this course you will get information on the individual parts of the exam, you will be given tips and strategies for working on different types of tasks and you will have plenty of practice opportunities for the individual types of tasks in the exam. Finally, you can also test your knowledge with the help of a mock test.

This course is not designed to improve your German language skills. If you would like to brush up your German skills before the exam, you can register for one of our other language courses here.

The exam preparation course German Online is tailored to the requirements of the telc exams. If you are instead interested in preparing for other exam formats, such as the German exams of the Goethe Institute or the TestDaF, or if you simply want more personalized preparation, you should take a closer look at our individual lessons. You can register for exam preparation tailored to your needs here.


Lessons in the virtual classroom

The exam preparation course takes place exclusively online. This has the decisive advantage for you that you have utter flexibility regarding your location. Your living room, a park in Berlin or a café in Seoul? This course format allows you to prepare for your German exam no matter where you are.


Sounds good?

You can easily register for the exam preparation course German Online right here online. After we have received your payment, you will also receive your registration confirmation by e-mail.

Like all courses at DIE NEUE SCHULE, the exam preparation course is also based on the levels of the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR). Currently we offer preparation courses for the telc B1, telc B2, as well as telc C1/C1-Hochschule exams.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us - by e-mail, phone or on site. We look forward to hearing from you!

Register now!

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i Not sure which level is right for you? Take our free placement test here.


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